
张栋博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,毕业于东南大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业,入选聊城大学光岳英才第二层次人才。先后在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Materials & Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of LuminescenceCeramics International等国际期刊上发表SCI收录论文60余篇,Applied Surface ScienceJournal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemicaland Engineering Aspects等期刊的审稿人,承担国家基金面上项目1项、青年基金1项、山东省自然科学基金2项,教育厅项目2项、博士基金1项、教育部高校教指委教研立项1项,获山东省高校优秀科研成果奖一等奖1项、二等奖2项,山东省“超星杯”青年教师教学比赛二等奖2项。





1998.09-2002.06  聊城师范学院物理系   物理学专业     理学学士

2002.08-2005.06  东南大学物理系      凝聚态物理专业  理学硕士

2011.08-2014.06  东南大学物理系      凝聚态物理专业  理学博士


2005.06-2011.08  37000cm威尼斯

2014.06-至今     37000cm威尼斯







1. Fengya Hu, Yongjin Wu, Chengmei Sun, Chengcheng Xu, Bingjun Zhu, Qingru Wang, Qiang Shi, Shuhong Li, Dong Zhang*, Influence of charge compensation on the photoluminescence and temperature sensing of zinc titanate composites, Ceramics International, Dec. 5, 2022. (一区TOP, IF:5.532)

2. Jun Yuan, Guoshuai Zhao, Shiqi Ren, Yongjin Wu, Fengya Hu, Qingru Wang, Qiang Shi, Bing Yang, Shuhong Li, Dong Zhang*, Multimode fluorescence intensity ratio thermometer based on synergistic luminescence from Eu3+ to Mn4+ of SrTiO3:Eu3+-ZnTiO3:Mn4+ nanocomposites, Ceramics International, Feb. 17, 2023. (一区TOP, IF:5.532)

3. Fengya Hu, Shiqi Ren, Yongjin Wu, Chengmei Sun, Bingjun Zhu, Qingru Wang, Shuhong Li, Dong Zhang*, Dual-mode optical thermometer based on fluorescence intensity ratio of Eu3+/Mn4+ co-doping zinc titanate phosphors, Spectrochimica Acta Part A:Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopty, 288 (2023) 122127. (二区, IF:4.83)

4. Shiqi Ren, Yongjin Wu, Qingru Wang**, Bing Yang, Qiang Shi, Shuhong Li, Dong Zhang*, Investigation of temperature sensing based on luminescence intensity ratiometric and lifetime of Zn0.9Mn0.1Al2O4:Cr3+ phosphors with various reducing time, Journal of Luminescence, 251 (2022) 119264. (二区, IF:4.17)

5. Bingjun Zhu, Shiqi Ren, Yunlong Liu, Dong Zhang*, Qingru Wang, Shuhong Li, Bing Yang, Wenjun Wang, Bingyuan Zhang, Influence of Mn2+ ions on the structure, spectral characteristics and optical thermometry performances of ZnAl2O4:Cr3+ multifunctional phosphors, Journal of Luminescence, 244 (2022) 118736. (二区, IF:4.17)

6. Binjun Zhu, Naizhen Li, Shiqi Ren, Yunlong Liu, Dong Zhang*, Qingru Wang, Qiang Shi, Qinglin Wang, Shuhong Li, Bingyuan Zhang, Wenjun Wang, Cailong Liu, Mn2+ ions substitution inducing improvement of optical performances in ZnAl2O4: Cr3+ phosphors: Energy transfer and ratiometric optical thermometry, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 264 (2022) 120321. (二区, IF:4.83)

7. Xinxin Liu, Jinhua Liu, Xuemiao Zhao, Dong Zhang*, Qingru Wang*, Ag NPs/PMMA nanocomposite as an efficient platform for fluorescence regulation of riboflavin, Optics Express, 30 (2022) 34918. (二区,IF: 3.833)

8. Xuemiao Zhao, Lianyu Zhang, Xin Lv, Jinhua Liu, Xinxin Liu, Yuting Zhang, Dong Zhang*, Shuhong Li, Qingru Wang*, Large-area fluorescence enhancement of R6G based on a uniform PVA-Au plasmonic substrate, Optics Express, 30 (2022)43281. (二区,IF: 3.833)

9. Dong Zhang*, Bingjun Zhu, Shiqi Ren, Qingru Wang, Qinglin Wang, Shuhong Li, Bingyuan Zhang, Wenjun Wang, The white light caused by defects and complex cation distribution in ZnAl2-xFexO4 magnetic nanocrystals, Materials Research Express, 8 (2021) 025902. (四区, IF: 2.025)

10. Bingjun Zhu, Shiqi Ren, Dong Zhang*, Qingru Wang, Bing Yang, Qinglin Wang, Shuhong Li, Wenjun Wang, Bingyuan Zhang, Cailong Liu, Tuning structural and optical characteristics with Mn2+ introduced into ZnAl2O4:Cr3+ nanophosphors: Energy transfer process and cations rearrangement, Journal of Luminescence, 239 (2021) 118362. (二区, IF:4.83)

11. Dong Zhang*, Jingxin Chen, Chunyu Du, Bingjun Zhu, Qingru Wang, Qiang Shi, Shouxin Cui, Wenjun Wang, Enhancement of red emission assigned to inversion defects in ZnAl2O4:Cr3+ hollow spheres, Frontiers of Materials Science, 14 (2020) 73-80. (三区, IF: 2.612)